Javascript Removing Elements from Array

Extracting elements from arrays in JavaScript is a little different. There is no function of the "Remove" type.

Although "delete" can be used, it is not recommended. Because although it allows to remove the element of the array, it does not update the number of elements of the array. This situation also prepares the environment for you to get errors.

It is recommended to use the "splice()" function to remove elements from arrays.

There are 2 uses.

In the use of 2 parameters, it is specified how many elements will be removed from which index.

In other usage, it is specified how many elements will be removed from which index and which elements will be added.

Let's take a look at the following example of subtracting from the array...

var arr1 = ['Miami', 'Madrid', 'London', 'Berlin', 'Rome']; var arr2 = arr1.splice(2, 1); // Deleted ["London"] // arr2 durum ['Miami', 'Madrid', 'Berlin', 'Rome']

As you can see, we have specified to remove 1 element from the 2nd index and we have removed the "London" element from the array.

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