What is exFAT?

exFAT is short for "Extended File Allocation Table". It is a file system designed and used by flash drives. It was developed by Microsoft and was first released in November 2006.

exFAT has significant advantages over other FAT file systems. It can support a size up to 512 TB (Terabytes). In FAT32 this is limited to only 32 GB (Gigabytes).

In addition, exFAT can support a single file up to 512TB. Whereas, FAT32 allows a maximum file size of 4GB.

exFAT is useful when working with different operating systems.

Cameras, radios and other media players may not work properly with the NTFS file system. The exFAT standard is generally more compatible than NTFS and enables playback and viewing on almost all common multimedia devices.

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